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5 January 2023
Belize YAG participants pause for photo

Induction & Capacity Building of the Belize YAG 2023-24

The 2023-2024 cohort of the Belize Youth Advisory Group (YAG) participated in an Orientation & Awareness Building Workshop on 25 & 26... Read more

23 December 2022
YAGees stand for photo

UNFPA in Trinidad and Tobago Hosts YAG Orientation and Graduation

The Trinidad and Tobago Liaison Office held a successful Orientation and Graduation for members of the Youth Advisory Group (YAG) at The Brix Hotel... Read more

23 December 2022
Desdra Bascombe, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development and Local Government, The Honourable Ayanna Webster-Roy, Min

UNFPA in Trinidad and Tobago Delivers Dignity Kits to OPM and Communities in Need

On Wednesday 16 November 2022, UNFPA handed over a donation of dignity kits to the Government of Trinidad and Tobago Office of the Prime Minister,... Read more

23 December 2022
Titian-Rose Whittle at podium making presentation being projected on screen

UNFPA Presents at R4V Humanitarian Breakfast Series in Trinidad & Tobago

How does an emergency migration situation impact or exacerbate the occurrence of gender-based violence and what are some of the key factors of an... Read more

23 December 2022
woman at podium delivering speech

Police providing better services for GBV survivors in Jamaica - A survivor-centered approach

“The experience of the victim is what we ought to be finding solutions to” when addressing gender-based violence (GBV) in Jamaica. These are the... Read more

22 December 2022
Five persons standing behind four persons sitting, all smiling for photo

Best Practice Exchange for GBV response between Belize and Jamaica

A south-south exchange between Belize and Jamaica was established to facilitate an exchange of knowledge and best practices to strengthen the... Read more

21 December 2022
Officials stand behind table smiling for photo and holding signed document at launch

Guyana launches EQUAL SRHR program to improve access to GBV services for indigenous groups

The launch of the Enhancing Quality, Access, and Logistics of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (EQUAL SRHR) project for Guyana was held in... Read more

21 December 2022
A collage featuring Jewel Quallo Rosberg delivering speech as well as students participating in activities

Youth and policymakers unite to discuss gender-based violence at Youth Forum in Jamaica

Student leaders and representatives of youth groups from the English and Dutch-speaking Caribbean attended a two-day Youth Forum surrounding the... Read more

17 December 2022

UNFPA organizes PSEA/ FPIC workshop for implementing partners/CSO

Sexual exploitation and abuse and other forms of GBV hinder the development of individuals and society. To raise awareness of this, the United... Read more

16 December 2022
Participants all standing on an elevated platform

UNFPA collaborates with Government of Suriname and partners to upgrade pineapple sector

Under the patronage of His Excellency Chandrikapersad Santokhi, President of Suriname, and in the presence of the UN Resident Coordinator Ad Interim... Read more
