‘Motherhood in childhood” offers a new perspective on adolescent pregnancy, looking not only at the girls’ behaviour as a cause of early pregnancy, but also at th...
UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund promotes the right of every woman, man and child to enjoy a life of health and equal opportunity. It does so by promoting sexual and repro...
UNFPA TT Voice will be an annual publication that aims to provide a conduit of information through which UNFPA Trinidad and Tobago‘s Office (TTO) will update all actors on th...
To date, responses to the HIV epidemic by both the international development community and national governments are still primarily bio-medical. Specifically there is a concen...
UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund promotes the right of every woman, man and child to enjoy a life of health and equal opportunity. It does so by promoting sexual and repro...
There are many types of sexual violence as it encompasses a range of offenses, including: completed non-consensual sex act (i.e. rape), Attempted non-consensual sex act (i.e....
The biomedical approach focuses on risk behaviour rather than on the social determinants or root causes of the HIV epidemic. It has not been widely recognized that the epidemic is ...
UNFPA TT Voice‘ will be an annual publication that aims to pro-vide a conduit of information through which UNFPA Trinidad and Tobago‘s Office (TTO) will update all acto...
There is a lot of misinformation and myths out there about sex, sexual health and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Maybe you've heard something you are unsure about-such...