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Sub-regional Office for the Caribbean invites applications from suitably qualified individuals


CLOSING DATE: 31 May 2022
CATEGORY: Individual Consultancy 
DURATION:  One (1) month
ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT: UNFPA Sub-regional Office for the Caribbean








Purpose of Consultancy

Transform the Protocols on service delivery for Gender Based Violence for Parish Justice Centres to a reduced, user-friendly, and interactive version for uploading to the website of the Ministry of Justice.


Scope of work  

Create a condensed, user-friendly, and interactive version of the Protocols for Parish Justice Centres on Service delivery for Gender-based Violence to be uploaded on the website of the MoJ.  The individual consultant will:

  • Review the document
  • Present a proposal to MoJ and UNFPA including a revised improved outline, layout, and graphic design and a list of changes to be made (in terms of content and structure and hyperlink for the  online version to make the version more user-friendly)
  • Apply all the changes agreed upon with MoJ and UNFPA;
  • Present the revised version for final feedback
  • Ensure that the version uploaded on the website of the MoJ is user friendly and well-functioning with all the hyperlinks working.  


To apply, kindly submit an application letter and CV to:


Vacancy #: 2022/11-MOJ Protocols 

The Spotlight Initiative

14-20 Port Royal Street, Kingston, Jamaica



Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.




  • There is no application, processing or other fee at any stage of the application process. 
  • UNFPA does not solicit or screen for information in respect of HIV or AIDS and does not discriminate on the basis of HIV/AIDS status. 
  • UNFPA provides a work environment that reflects the values of gender equality, teamwork, respect for diversity, integrity and a healthy balance of work and life. We are committed to maintaining our balanced gender distribution and therefore encourage women to apply.