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UNFPA Youth Advisory Group Distributes Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) & Gender Based Violence (GBV) Information to Indigenous Mayan Women in Rural Belize

UNFPA Youth Advisory Group  Distributes Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) & Gender Based Violence (GBV) Information to Indigenous Mayan Women in Rural Belize


UNFPA Youth Advisory Group Distributes Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) & Gender Based Violence (GBV) Information to Indigenous Mayan Women in Rural Belize

calendar_today 22 September 2021



The UNFPA  Youth Advisory Group in Belize conducted a three part sensitization workshop in rural Belize to deliver sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and gender based violence (GBV) information to Indigenous Mayan Women in rural Belize recently. It was done in collaboration with youth from Hands Building Hope Youth Organization. Specific topics covered during the sessions  included gender, family planning, and menstrual health, among others. The more than thirty (30) participants of the workshop were rural Mayan women of reproductive age (14-49) who each received a Dignity Kit on the last day of the workshop and along with participation certificates. Dignity Kits help women and girls maintain proper hygiene after being displaced and are a critical component of the UNFPA humanitarian response. They include items such as sanitary supplies, deodorant and condoms.

Funding for this project was provided by the European Union and Humana People, a non-governmental organization registered and operating in southern Belize. The two youth groups were supported during the training sessions by Humana People to People in Belize, UNFPA in Belize, and two peer educators trained by the Belize Family Life Association as part of a Training of Trainers programme in 2020 under the joint EU-UN Spotlight Initiative.

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