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UNFPA TTO Mission to Tobago solidifies partnerships and updates GBV/SRH service mapping and Tobago Referral Pathway

UNFPA TTO Mission to Tobago solidifies partnerships and updates GBV/SRH service mapping and Tobago Referral Pathway


UNFPA TTO Mission to Tobago solidifies partnerships and updates GBV/SRH service mapping and Tobago Referral Pathway

calendar_today 26 September 2022

From 12-15 June, the UNFPA TTO conducted a brief mission to Tobago to further UNFPAs work under the SRHR Equal Share Project. The mission consisted of Ms. Noguera-Ramkissoon, Liaison Officer, Ms. EllenMae Sobion, Programme Assistant and Ms. Titian-Rose Whittle, GBVIE Subsector Coordinator. The purpose of the mission was two fold: to engage new partnerships with the Tobago House of Assembly due to a change in political leadership, and to lead advocacy initiatives around the Minimum Initial Service Package and the updating of the GBV/SRH Service mapping and corresponding referral pathway for Tobago. 


Building Partnerships with the New Leadership of the Tobago House of Assembly



Photo showing: Chief Secretary Mr. Farley Augustine flanked by Ag. Chief Administrator - Ms. Ethlyn John and Ms. Aurora Noguera-Ramkissoon is surrounded by Mr. Jason Nancis - Advisor to Health, Ms. Titian-Rose Whittle, GBVIE Subsector Coordinator, Ms. EllenMae Sobion, Programme Assistant, Assemblywoman Zorisha Hackett-  Secretary for Education, Research and Technology Dr. Faith B.Yisrael, Secretary for Health, Wellness and Social Protection and Assemblyman Terrence Baynes Youth Development and Sport.


Initiated by the UNFPA TTO Liaison Officer, this meeting was held to re-establish ties with the THA due to a change in Administration. The Liaison Officer presented UNFPAs key thematic areas of work and highlighted the following areas for further collaboration: HFLE, SALMI, increased engagement of faith-based organisations in the fight against GBV and further support for the updating of the referral pathway.


Advocacy for the inclusion of the Minimum Initial Services Package for Sexual and Reproductive Health in Emergencies (MISP) with the Tobago Emergency Management Agency (TEMA)


Photo showing from left to right: Ms. Carise Thompson, Operations Clerk, Ms. Melaura Agbeko, Contingency Planning Officer, Ms. Aurora Noguera - Ramkissoon-Liaison Officer, Ms. Titian-Rose Whittle - GBVIE Subsector Coordinator, Ms. Ellenmae Sobion- Programme Assistant, all smile behind their masks for photo after MISP meeting at TEMA’s headquarters


UNFPA TT met with the Tobago Emergency Management Agency (TEMA) to review key recommendations for the alignment of the MISP into the national Emergency  response plans, i.e. the Tobago Emergency Operations Centre (TEOC) Contingency Plan (Draft 8,  May 2017). TEMA is presently working to see its completion and is ensuring buy-in from key first emergency responders. In an effort to increase visibility around the MISP, TEMA has agreed to host a sensitization workshop where  UNFPA will provide a brief overview of the MISP to stakeholders.


Sensitisation Workshop to Update GBV/SRH Service Mapping and Referral Pathway


Photo showing members of the Division of Health and Wellness and Family Development, UNFPA representatives, and members of NGOs, heads of divisions and key focal points within the health, social services,  justice and policing, coordination and governance of coordination in Tobago, pose for photo at Service Mapping and Referral Pathway Workshop held in Tobago, June 2022.


In collaboration with the Division of Health and Wellness and Family Development of the Tobago House of Assembly convened a sensitisation workshop to update the existing service mapping and solidify the referral pathway for Tobago. This meeting brought together key service providers from the health sector (including sexual and reproductive health), social services, justice and policing, as well as NGO representatives and faith-based organizations in Tobago.


In alignment with work plan activities outlined in the SRHR Equal Share project, GBVIE Subsector Coordinator, Titian-Rose Whittle led the service mapping update and applied the 4 Ws approach [ who, what, where, how]. The service mapping was used as an assessment tool to highlight areas where GBV and SRH service provision was effective,  and offered participants an opportunity to reflect on the existing gaps. 


Once this exercise was concluded, participants were eager to provide contextual considerations for the overhaul of the referral pathway.  Updates were made to include new focal points, particularly for the LGTBQI responses, changes in case management services, food security and livelihood support. The emergency hotline for the Tobago Emergency Management Agency (TEMA) was also added to the referral pathway. Further to this, GBVIE Subsector Coordinator introduced participants to the GBV Pocket Guide where participants where a focus was placed on understanding the Do’s and Dont’s of communicating with survivors.