The State of World Population 2012: By Choice, Not By Chance: Family Planning, Human Rights and Development presents strong evidence on the impact of family planning on economic development, according to Margaret Greene, lead writer-researcher for the report.
"The report clearly shows that family planning is one of the wisest economic investments for national development," said Margaret, during a presentation of the report's highlights to staff launching the report ahead of its release.
"The well-being of women, children and men has been found to contribute to national development through demographic dividends, savings, investments and growth."
This year's State of World Population was officially launched at 12.00 GMT on 14 November in more than 100 of the world's capitals. Executive Director Babatunde launched SWOP 2012 in London.
The SWOP 2012 launch for the UNFPA Caribbean was held at the Comprehensive Clinic, Kingston, Jamaica in collaboration with the National Family Planning Board (NFPB) and the Planning Institute of Jamaica(PIOJ).

Please see the story in the Jamaica Observer here