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The Situation of Older Persons In Jamaica

The Situation of Older Persons In Jamaica


UNFPA/HelpAge International

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UNFPA/HelpAge International

Annual Report

The Situation of Older Persons In Jamaica

Publication date

01 January 2011

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The Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) has brought into sharp focus the need for governments to place priority attention on ageing issues, particularly within the context of policy and legislation. One hundred and fifty nine (159) countries were represented at the Second World Assembly on Ageing in Madrid Spain in 2002, and became signatories to the Political Declaration and Action on Ageing Plan. Nearly a decade later it becomes necessary for the United Nations as the arbiter of the Plan to undertake an assessment of country achievements. Importantly, respective signatories must self-assess themselves to determine successes and shortfalls, as well as outstanding principles that have yet to be adhered to or facilitated. The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) as an international development agency which promotes the right of all peoples to enjoy a life of health and equal opportunity has commissioned a situation analysis of older persons in Jamaica. As a signatory to the MIPAA, the report is a timely and necessary intervention for Jamaica as the country forges ahead with its first comprehensive long term national development plan, Vision 2030 Jamaica. Much of the analysis is therefore set within the framework of policies, programmes, and legislation which have and will impact older persons issues across all sectors and industries. The report undertakes an assessment of what obtained prior to the MIPAA; however there is considerable focus on the extent to which Jamaica has managed to adhere to the declarations contained within the Plan of Action on Ageing.