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Together communities, organized civil society, governments, and development partners can achieve national goals and meet regional and international commitments to end gender-based violence (GBV) and fulfill the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of all. The Caribbean Observatory on SRHR is a virtual platform for information sharing and monitoring to advance evidence-informed advocacy and responsive laws, policies and practices.

This is a living document1 that seeks to provide an evidence-base for ongoing dialogue between communities, subject matter experts, and national governments to review and track progress. Such dialogue and mutual accountability is an effective practice for translating human rights commitments into substantive national change that promotes women’s ability to exercise their human rights.2 This is an open invitation to strengthen relationships of mutual trust and communication between civil society, governments and development partners to iteratively collect and share data, improving the evidence- base on SRHR and GBV in the Caribbean region
and to make that data available to inform and monitor the progress towards our common goals.