You, Your Life, Your Dreams is a manual on sexual and reproductive health and rights for adolescents and young people.
Originally developed by Family Care International (FCI) for use in Africa, the manual has been adapted in collaboration with the CARICOM Secretariat and UNFPA for use in the Caribbean.
It seeks to address the information gap that exists by specifically targeting young people with sexual and reproductive health information in a manner that is youth friendly, easy to read and to which they can relate. Although the manual focuses mainly on peer education among youth, it can also serve as an important resource for parents, teachers, personnel working with adolescents at health centres, schools, etc.
The 180 page reference book deals with issues that affect young people today, many of which have traditionally been treated with secrecy resulting in mis-information. Issues discussed include, the changes that occur in the body during puberty, sexuality and sex, peer pressure and sex, teenage pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, and preventing alcohol and drug abuse.
It includes testimonials from young people from across the Caribbean as well as illustrations and cartoons to make the reading entertaining.
To ensure that the content, language, illustrations and approach used in the manual were relevant to the Caribbean, pre-testing sessions were conducted with peer educators and technical personnel across the region. The feedback received informed the modifications that were done.
It is hoped that the information the manual provides will help young people make healthy and responsible decisions; promote positive self-esteem, critical thinking and other life skills.