On the 25th of November 2021 the UNFPA, the United Nations Resident Coordinator's Office and the government of Suriname (Ministry of Forgein Affair, International Business and International collaboration and Ministry of Internal affairs) observed 16 days of activism in Suriname.
The kick off event of the 16 days of actvism was focused on creating awareness amongst men, on the elimination of violence against women. The Bureau of Gender Affairs presented the latest data on gender based violence in Suriname and presented an overview on where we stand now and where we want to go. The United Nation Population Fund of Suriname gave an overview of the actions that needs to be taken and the Foundation Man mit Man shared a very empowering message on how men and society in general can contribute to this campaign.

The ministers of Forgein Affair, International Business and International collaboration and Internal affairs, The minister Albert Ramdhin and minister Bronto Somohardjo also delivered a message and renewed the promise that Suriname will keep working towards eliminating gender based violence and reaching Agenda 2030. 16 days of activism is an annual campaign which starts on November 25, Orange Day and ends on December 10, International Human Rights Day. This campaign aims to create awareness amongst society about violence against women.