UNFPA in Jamaica, in partnership with UNAIDS, Eve for Life and the EU -funded Spotlight Initiative (SI) launched the HOPE Mobile Application in December. The theme of the mobile application is “Helping Our People Emerge”. It will be available on both IOS and Android platforms and provides human and legal rights information for underserved communities across the island. Its purpose is to create awareness on gender-based violence (GBV) and on services available for survivors.
The Spotlight Initiative seeks to address violence against women and girls (VAWG) through collaborative partnerships and initiatives such as this. The initiative, at its ethos, facilitates the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to ensure interventions to address social issues associated with poverty, age, sexual orientation, health, education and persons living with disabilities, to leave noone behind.

It was reiterated at the event that UNFPA’s is working towards a world where every pregnancy is wanted; every child birth is safe; and every woman and girl lives a life free from violence and abuse. This App directly correlates with UNFPA’s thrust to raise awareness about GBV and human rights. It will also contribute towards increasing access to information and services throughout the island especially among vulnerable and marginalized populations which include but are not limited to women living with HIV, transgender populations, women/girls with disabilities, LGBTQI+, sex workers, cohabiting girls, pregnant women and teenage mothers.
During the event it was highlighted that this initiative is the first step in leaving no one behind and supporting civil society to offer intersectional Gender-Based Violence services. SI in Jamaica primarily focuses on the Kingston Metropolitan Area, Clarendon, Westmoreland, and St. Thomas; however, one of the benefits of using the platforms is the accessibility to people living in other parishes and the potential to increase the number of people reached while operating in an environment that promotes social distance.

Link to the Facebook live - https://www.facebook.com/Eveforlifejamiaca/videos/416224313301090