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Guyana Observes UN Day 2012

Guyana Observes UN Day 2012


Guyana Observes UN Day 2012

calendar_today 24 October 2012

Address by UN Resident Coordinator Ms. Khadija Musa

UNFPA Guyana participated in the observance of UN Day on October 24, 2012. This year the observance took the form of an exhibition. The various UN agencies in Guyana laced the avenue of Main street in the heart of downtown Georgetown , where  print and digital material on work done over the years in Guyana were displayed.

UNFPA's staff as well as members of the Youth Advirsory Group (YAG) enlighten the audience on the work of UNFPA in Guyana with specific emphasis on Sexual Repropductive Health and Gender Based Violence. The booth also featured video clips of public service announcements and success stories of work done by UNFPA and it's partners over the years.

The event saw addresses by the UNDP Resident Representative / UN Resident Coordinator, Ms. Khadija Musa; H.E President Donald Romotar. In attendence were H.E Prime Minister Sam Hinds and Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh as well as members of the Diplomatic Corps.