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Webinar "Pleasure, Health and Rights. Promoting safe and sexy sex".

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Webinar "Pleasure, Health and Rights. Promoting safe and sexy sex".

calendar_today 19 October 2023


Webinar "Pleasure, Health and Rights. Promoting safe and sexy sex".

At UNFPA and UNAIDS LACRO and within our network of focal points, we have decided to explore and expand knowledge about those initiatives that include the dimension of pleasure and desire in their prevention programs and their approach to sexual health. On the other hand, the sexual health area of the UNFPA global has been working on a sexual health strategy that includes, among many interventions, the aforementioned dimensions, which we hope will be published by the end of this year.

As a region we face several sexual and reproductive health challenges, including a steady increase in STIs (including HIV) and high adolescent fertility rates. Additionally, we find ourselves in a context where interactions among young people have been transforming and shifting to the virtual scene, through social networks and dating apps; where sexual practices are mediated by the use of substances; and where there is no consistent use of protection and prevention methods such as condoms and lubricants. This is why it has become necessary to seek new ways to address prevention and promotion of sexual health that are more effective and in line with the needs of the population, where fear and risk are not the focus of prevention programs but enjoyment and pleasure as a common denominator for a healthy sex life.

According to a study conducted by The Pleasure Project and WHO (2022), which stemmed from the question, "What is the added value of incorporating pleasure into sexual health interventions?", these organizations identified that:

  • Prioritizing pleasure, rather than fear, danger or disease, increases the likelihood of safe sex.
  • Sexual health programs that include sexual desire and pleasure improve knowledge and attitudes, and increased condom use, compared to those that do not.
  • Sexual health that includes pleasure increases sexual self esteem, sexual self confidence and safe choices.

UNFPA LACRO, UNAIDS and The Pleasure Project will be co-hosting the Webinar: "Pleasure, Health and Rights. Promoting safe and sexy sex". The aim is to raise awareness of this new e vidence to ensure more and better sexual health in our region, disseminate local experiences in Latin America and the Caribbean that address the pleasure dimension in their projects, and promote innovative approaches along the lines of pleasure-based sexual health prevention and promotion.

Time: 9:00 a.m. (EST)

Register here: https://unfpa.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_i7V47S84TOaLhDu5Zj5eygI .